Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First Blog in a while Sep. 17th

Onward and Onward

We have been growing rapidly as a band...

The technical, Inspirational, and Heartfelt communication is more... JUST THERE... and that is what you can dream about for a band dynamic. Perhaps it's a sign that the hard work is paying off and music can be reached on the same level between multiple minds. Congratulations!! ... Well thank you very much.

We are busy with promotional material... New ideas for static designs of the official String Fingers website, posters, T-Shirts are all important for the overall feel and first impression of a band and we're not far from a true conquer. The mission is clear and we're on the other side of the hill coasting in neutral.

We have exciting news for the end of the year...

We will continue to be at the Georgetown Saloon on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday. We are hosts here... we encourage more people to come out to play... not to be afraid to ask for some back-up. The material you bring can be your own, your own favorites or just an exploration of contemporary improvisation. No discrimination... Unless you make our ears bleed, then there will be serious consequences.

We will be starting every week out with a similar type night, more easy to reach for some of you, at the Kicking Horse in Southport...

Every Monday - details will follow and be on our website.

Keep in Touch... I will add more later today...

I have more classes to teach

Dan T

1 comment:

Johanna said...

add more later today :)