Wednesday, September 17, 2008

First Blog in a while Sep. 17th

Onward and Onward

We have been growing rapidly as a band...

The technical, Inspirational, and Heartfelt communication is more... JUST THERE... and that is what you can dream about for a band dynamic. Perhaps it's a sign that the hard work is paying off and music can be reached on the same level between multiple minds. Congratulations!! ... Well thank you very much.

We are busy with promotional material... New ideas for static designs of the official String Fingers website, posters, T-Shirts are all important for the overall feel and first impression of a band and we're not far from a true conquer. The mission is clear and we're on the other side of the hill coasting in neutral.

We have exciting news for the end of the year...

We will continue to be at the Georgetown Saloon on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday. We are hosts here... we encourage more people to come out to play... not to be afraid to ask for some back-up. The material you bring can be your own, your own favorites or just an exploration of contemporary improvisation. No discrimination... Unless you make our ears bleed, then there will be serious consequences.

We will be starting every week out with a similar type night, more easy to reach for some of you, at the Kicking Horse in Southport...

Every Monday - details will follow and be on our website.

Keep in Touch... I will add more later today...

I have more classes to teach

Dan T

Friday, June 27, 2008

with String Fingers Band and Chris Teskey

If you missed the radio show the other night on PKN

you can listen to it right here

download and listen

The String Fingers Band

Welcome to the google supported



The String Fingers Band is a brand new 2008 debuting band that features the songwriting art of Dan Tressler and Dan Carlucci. The band is expected to unfold it's full picture within the next year. The String Fingers have created a new category of music with their new album "Strung Up". The album and songs are available on all online music distribution sites such as,, etc. All updates and band information can be found at

Dan Tressler and Dan Carlucci promise an ever changing perspective of music, not only for the music itself, but the delivery and diversity of the upcoming albums and shows. The "Strung Up" album is a showcase of Tresslers' and Carluccis' multi-intrumental ability. On the album, they switch between Guitar, Mandolin, Bass, Percussion, Fiddle, Piano and other various instruments. The final track on the album is a preview of another style or road being taken. It leaves the listener thinking, I wonder what may follow this.

Since mid May 2008, Dan and Dan Have been performing with two other talented musicians. Making the songs sound full and rich for live shows and tours. Rob Bonaccorso is the percussionist/drummer. His style comes through perfectly in many ways. Being a drummer with experience in almost every genre, the combination with the String Fingers music is more than fitting. Ryan McAdams is a bassist comfortable with both the double bass and electric differences between the same instrument. With the music the String Fingers produce, the use of electric and acoustic instruments weave a hint at the history of music. The history of music is important to hold onto while bringing it into the new era of music.

The connection between musicians is always a very tall task and in a short time The String Fingers Band has made a great leap towards the performance endeavor they have greatly anticipated.